With this functions raster values are extracted by various overlaying spatial points created within a polygon shapefile.
extract2(rr, pp, points = NA, samp.type = "regular", weight = F, narm = F, seed = 1, returnVals = F)
rr | Raster object; raster image |
pp | Spatial object; polygon file |
points | integer; Number of SpatialPoints created in the Polygon |
samp.type | character; Sampling technique for the Spatial Points generated as described in the spsample() function of the "sp" package |
weight | boolean; Weighting image considering the underlaying rasters a differentweight in the extraction computation. This makes pixel partially located within a polygon less weighted. Input is T/F |
narm | boolean; removes na values |
seed | integer; applies the set.seed() function enabling the control over |
returnVals | boolean; return all extracted values |